What's Up With This New Curriculum?

May 2, 2024

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The Public Schools Branch (PSB) and the French Language School Board (CSLF) have been teaching from a new curriculum which, as interpreted by school administrators, “does not require parental consent” for sexual education. (Click here to read testimonials)

In 2020, this draft curriculum was implemented in schools across the province without clear or direct parental disclosure from the Department of Education. Moreover, many parents reported that they were not adequately informed, if at all, regarding the sexual topics their children would be exposed to. This occurred repeatedly, despite the fact that the curricula posted at the time required parents to give consent prior to their children receiving health education.

When parents investigated, they were told “school policy does not allow unfinished drafts to be provided”. Despite being clearly at fault, the Department of Education minimized the parents’ concerns. Although drafts were eventually provided, the school board continued to delay making them public.

In 2020, a CBC article states:

Island teachers from Grades 1-3 and seven to nine are piloting a new sexual health curriculum this year.

Officials with the province said the curriculum is being piloted in Grades 1-3 and seven to nine and is expected to be implemented in schools next year — a new curriculum will be piloted in Grades 4-6 next year.

Due to the lack of communication from the Department of Education, the overwhelming majority of parents did not know about this pilot project or the major changes that were occurring within schools.

Eventually, in June 2023, a version of the draft curriculum for grades 7-9 was posted to the PSB’s website, over two years after being implemented without clear parental knowledge. Then finally in September of that year, new curricula for all grades were posted to the PSB site.

A quick comparison of the old health curriculum with the new, raises the questions:

  • Why is more information not provided?
  • What is the purpose of hiding this sensitive information from parents?

As our team furthered our investigation, we met school representatives who informed us that interpretations of the currently posted curriculum can vary. The new health curricula are shockingly vague, giving teachers and third party educators room to teach more explicitly about mature sexual topics. This means that what your child is learning will vary, depending on the teachers and their personal values and beliefs.

Parental consent REQUIREDParental consent NOT REQUIRED
Click here to see the Permission Letter previously provided to teachers. Curriculum Grade 7 p99

Click here to see the Health Curriculum - Grade 7
"Before addressing any human sexuality outcomes, teachers must provide parents/guardians with information about the content. The minimum expectation is to inform parents/guardians by letter."
Elementary program of studies, Health section - page 21

"An information letter is required to be sent home before teaching any sexual health outcomes." (Notification is not consent)
Grade 7-8-9 curriculum (2023) - page 59
"Parents/guardians will retain the right to exempt their child from school instruction of sexual health outcomes (W-7.9 - W-7.12). (See sample letter - Appendix)."
Grade 7 Curriculum - page 33
No consent letter is sent home anymore.
Schools will provide alternative learning experiences for those students who have been exempted.
Grade 7 Curriculum - page 33
No alternative option is offered to children that have been opted out.
Parents were recognized as primary educators for student attitudes and values, with schools playing a supportive role.

{Parents} act as the primary guide and decision-maker with respect to the student's education;
PEI Education Act - page 29
School are "helping" parents by taking charge of teaching sexual topics earlier, starting in the early grades of Elementary. In many cases, these teaching happens, regardless of your child's level of maturity and readiness. Also, testimonials disclose a blatant lack of proper disclosure to parents regarding presentation content.

Click here to read testimonials
Schools taught male and female genders linked to biology, covering anatomy and reproduction. Curriculum included safety, morals, consent, and strategies to prevent unwanted sexual engagement.Since the implementation of the Guidelines for Respecting, and Accommodating and Supporting Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Sexual Orientation in 2021, in our schools:

Students are encouraged to keep secrets from their parents. Children are asked to provide their chosen names and pronouns, and will be addressed accordingly, without parental knowledge or consent. (section 7)

Schools can withhold from parents any child's gender identity change, and can also secretly provide resources for life altering decisions regarding gender transition. (section 6)

Bathrooms and change rooms are encouraged to be "inclusive" and "gender neutral", meaning our daughters may have no choice but to use them with biological boys. (section 11)

Click here to access the Guidelines

Click here to read an article exposing the dangers of medical transitioning
Students were introduced and taught content that contributed to the enhancement of their academic education."Integration of health content with other curriculum areas is encouraged."
Elementary program of studies, Health section - page 21

Like seen in British Columbia with the SOGI program, PEI has implemented a curriculum (2023) that allows for gender diversity, gender identity to fall under any academic topic. Your children might be receiving family diversity and sexual preference class, while learning algebra.

This introduction of this material promotes the early sexualization of children and contributes to children being confused about their sexuality - at an age that children quite impressionable.
Sexual Health outcomes is very detailed and parents were informed about exactly what their child would be taught, simply by looking at the posted curriculum.

Click here to see the Health Curriculum - Grade 6

Click here to see the Health Curriculum - Grade 7
The lack of details in the currrent health outcome is so vague that it allows teachers to teach sexual health according to their own personal values, regardless of the different beliefs of their students and allows them to include gender ideology in any academic instruction.
Elementary program of studies, Health section - page 21

Click here to see the Grade 7-8-9 curriculum posted in October 2023
Teachers and public health nurses worked together to instruct students on health education.Third parties: "This outcome can be achieved in part through multi-sectoral collaboration(e.g., Public Health, and other Department of Education-authorized partners.) See learn.edu.pe.ca [inaccessible as of 2024-05-02] for more information and resources."
Grade 7-8-9 curriculum - page 59

The Department of Education has partnered with "third party" organizations, beyond Public Health, to expose children to the concepts of multiple genders and alternative sexuality.

These groups have developed lesson plans for classroom use and are welcomed into schools at all grade levels. Guest speakers (occasionally other students) share sexual videos and books to children as early as kindergarten.

Multiple testimonies have revealed that children often feel confused and anxious following these sessions, despite claims of "creating a safe and inclusive environment for all"

Examples of materials used in classrooms:
Gender Unicorn
Peers Alliance Resource Packet

Click here to read testimonials